Thoughts from the presbytery – 2 August

I will be approaching a few parishioners in the next two weeks to consider becoming Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. This will involve being on a roster and committing to spend two hours, once every six weeks, taking Holy Communion to residents of Thomas Eccles, Horton or Warmington or to those who are housebound. This is a special ministry in our community, not for everyone, but those already involved will tell you how personally satisfying it is.

We have been having problems with the server for our computers for the past two years, causing frustration and many hours lost. Hopefully this week the issues have been resolved.

Please note, Mass on Thursday is once again at 7:30am.

Steve Scroope, as you are aware, is a team member with KAIROS. This extraordinary ministry to prisoners in Goulburn jail, needs the prayer support of our community. Please pray on the 15th August, 11:30am – 12:00noon for both team and participants.

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