I am extremely proud of those involved with the Book Fair last weekend. There were 36 parishioners and 8 from YRAR who spent hours setting up and packing up. It was a mammoth exercise, coordinated by Debbie Valencic. What are the benefits? A great community builder, people meeting and getting to know each other, involving the broader community as an important fundraiser. Proceeds were divided between YRAR and our community for ongoing maintenance, $1,900 each. YRAR (Yass Rural Advocates for Refugees), are people truly committed to social justice, and I am grateful to Evol and Peter for their leadership. Thanks to Lourdes O’Keefe and her team, who experimented with the Devonshire tea which wasn’t successful. You are wonderful for trying something new to raise funds.
Please don’t forget the talk by Carmel Bendon next weekend. See bulletin for information.
We welcome Sr. Adina to our communities this weekend. Whist she is teaching in Dili at present, she spent ten years at the amazing Dominican orphanage in Pante Makassa, Oecusse.
There will be a Mount Carmel Community Council meeting held 28th November.
Gunning Finance Committee needs to meet in the next couple of weeks to discuss the purchase of a new organ for the church.