Thoughts from the presbytery – 17 January

Planning for the coming year is well advanced as you will see in this bulletin.  Dianne Carey has the program for the sacraments beginning with the Sacrament of Reconciliation 1st April, through to the Sacrament of Confirmation to be celebrated on the 13th September.  Paul O’Mara and Irene Carr have prepared a budget to be approved by our Finance Committee.  Sarah Johnston has the dates for the meetings of the Parish Pastoral Council and with Annabelle O’Connell are looking for ‘expressions of interest’ for a youth worker.  It will be a different year as my replacement will take up residence in August.  We have extraordinary people in leadership roles within our communities and I am confident the ongoing mission is assured.

The Chamber Philharmonia Cologne (Germany) will perform Vivaldi, Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Paganini at the Lovat Chapel, Monday 10th February at 8pm.  Please let people know about this concert.

Thanks to Peter Cleary and his helpers who dismantled the crib and packed it up for the next eleven months.

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