Thoughts from the presbytery – 30 September

Confirmation last Sunday was a wonderful celebration and the people involved are to be congratulated. Next Saturday, the 9am Mass will include the anointing of the sick/frail. The gathering to discuss issues to be presented to the Plenary Council 2020 will be held in the Hartigan Centre, 7:30pm, 17th October, and all are invited to…

A Place to Call Home

Each year the Bishops issue a major statement for the coming year on Social Justice Sunday (the last Sunday in September). Related materials are produced including ten step leaflets, prayer cards, liturgy notes, community education resources, powerpoints etc. The 2018–2019 Statement, titled A Place to Call Home: Making a home for everyone in our land,…

Thoughts from the presbytery – 23 September

Congratulations to the fifteen young people who will be confirmed this Sunday. Confirmation is the sacrament whereby the apostles and their successors, by the laying on of hands and anointing with chrism, communicate to the whole Church and its members the gift of the Spirit received at Pentecost.  It is Pentecost extended throughout the world,…

Ozanam Appeal – 29-30th September

On the weekend of 29-30th September 2018 the St Vincent de Paul Society will be conducting its annual Ozanam Appeal.  Our Conference of St. Augustine’s works to support members of our community in need both locally and internationally.   Some of the work we do is titled Twinning, which is where one conference directly supports another…

Thoughts from the presbytery – 16 September

Just a reminder that the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Augustine’s next Sunday at 10am.  A Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion will be held at both Gunning and Murrumbateman.  Whilst we still have the Vigil Mass at 6pm in Yass, I encourage parishioners to support the confirmandi on Sunday.  The…

Soul Journey Companions

A three year program of training for those who sense that God is calling them to the work of spiritual direction, and are looking for a community where this vocation can be explored and nurtured.  Applications for enrolment are open now for Soul Companions for the 2019 academic year. Website: Contact: Liz Anne Smith…

Thoughts from the Presbytery – 9 September

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday 23rd September, 10am, at St. Augustine’s, Yass. There will be a Liturgy with Holy Communion at both Gunning and Murrumbateman but I do encourage parishioners to support the confirmandi by attending the Sunday Mass. Whilst there is a fifth Sunday this month, Masses will be held…

Karinya House Mercy Walk for Women

Get excited, the Karinya House Mercy Walk is just 2 weeks away and there is still time to register.  Previous participants have this to say about the walk:“The initial appeal was fundraising for Karinya House, which is such a blessing for vulnerable new mothers and their babies, and which operates almost entirely from donations. The…

Book Fair 3-4 November

The Book Fair will be held again this year, on the same weekend as Classic Yass. Last year’s Book Fair was highly successful and I hope that with your support, this year’s can be even better. Funds this year will go to various parish building/maintenance commitments, with a proportion being directed towards Yass Rural Australians…

Thoughts from the Presbytery – 2 September

The success of the 180 years celebrations last weekend were due to the work of the committee and the many people who contributed to the display, catering and liturgy. Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved.  Due to my failure to apply GST to the dinner, concert and sale of books, we will be lucky to…